arnalie faye vicario:

What an overwhelming response!

This is my first time to email thru the global osm talk; it really takes true grit to join the conversations, huge thanks to the people who inspired me and sparked the flame.

I will keep it short and redirect you to a (short) OSM Diary I wrote on Why WOMEN are pushing for a safe and inclusive space in OSM: <>

You diary example is a great argument for the workings of OSM. We can tag everything and data consumers can use what they need.

But why have you not tagged
with lit=yes ?

And all this has nothing with these mailing lists.

It also has nothing to do with welcoming diversity and inclusion.
I, and surely many other white males, have tagged thousands of ways and paths with lit=yes.

Not only for the benefit of women. There are also men that need it for security. And children (both boys and girls) or their parents. It could be used to assist vehicles in handling lights and speed, etc. Or for astronomers.

And we have not discouraged any women or men from tagging where ways are lit.

I just checked with overpass and I have edited more than 32.000 ways with lit 

So I do feel disappointed by your diary implying that as a white male I am unwelcoming diversity and inclusion by ignoring lit tags.

I think you should encourage women to tag more with lit=yes/no and other things you believe are more important to women. Not that men could not also do it (like I am).

But we are volunteers and there is nothing wrong in tagging the things that are most useful to us. For example I have very little interest in manholes or power-poles. But I have tagged 300+ bars with smoking. Because I prefer to have my beers without smoke. It is of course also useful to smokers looking for a bar, which is fine with me as it just makes OSM more useful. I am not particularly interested in volleyball, but I have made sure that all rowing clubs in and close to Denmark are in OSM.
About 280 of them:

I also think that routing apps could take advantage of lit tags by having a "prefer lit roads" option. That it outside the scope of OSM, but as we get more ways tagget with "lit", it get more likely to happen and more useful.

A slide from @mapmakerdavid states "it takes good relationships to navigate an 


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On Dec 10, 2020, at 8:01 PM, James <> wrote:

> The lack of discussion by non-men is an undeniable fact.

>Right, this is true. Sadly true. Something I also know from Linux Communities 
and other Open Source/Open Data Communities.

Same in programming and IT fields, firefighters, mechanics, carpenters, construction workers, taxi drivers, etc etc...

Now is it a simple lack of interest in the field? Gate keeping? Discrimination/Sexism? Is it because of tradition that is still lingering?

We should work with other humans and see why as well as question ourselves what can we do/change?

We should treat other fellow humans, despite sex, race or country of origin, as we would want to be treated.

Would you like to be put down based on your employer, despite your knowledge? Probably not, then don't do it

Would you like to be put down based on your genitalia, despite being quite knowledgeable? No? Then don't do it.

On Thu., Dec. 10, 2020, 6:38 a.m. tilmanreinecke--- via talk, < <>> wrote:

    > The lack of discussion by non-men is an undeniable fact.

    Right, this is true. Sadly true. Something I also know from Linux 
    and other Open Source/Open Data Communities.

    > The simplest explanation for this is the systematic institutional 
    towards women in the OSM community.

    I did not hear about something like that what can be called "systematic". 
    you sure that we have something like that in OSM? If yes, then please point 
    where that happened. I am pretty sure that this is not something 
systematic. I
    know women not feeling this way as you because OpenStreetMap is an open and
    welcoming community.



    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Call to Take Action and Confront Systemic Offensive
    Behavior in the OSM Community
    From: Clay Smalley __
    To: Celine Jacquin __
    CC: <>,osm __

        I'm noticing a pattern here in the replies to this email:

        Only men have replied. This is, unfortunately, par for the course on the
        OSM mailing lists. The lack of discussion by non-men is an undeniable 
        The simplest explanation for this is the systematic institutional 
        towards women in the OSM community. The replies themselves are the best
        evidence of this.

        These men replying have taken it upon themselves to explain to a woman 
        constitutes misogyny. News flash: you do not get to decide what offends
        other people. If you are a man, misogyny will never happen to you by
        definition. If you are a man, you have never been, are not, and will 
        be a victim of misogyny. This isn't your area of expertise. Listen to 

        Some men replying have even mentioned how this draft letter hurts their
        feelings. These men need to slow down and consider for a moment that 
        temporarily hurt feelings are less important than the safety of women.
        Men's feelings are irrelevant to issues where women are victims.

        As far as I know, various OSM-affiliated groups have codes of conduct, 
        there isn't one governing these mailing lists. We need to adopt a code 
        conduct yesterday.

        -Clay (they/them)

        On Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 2:13 PM Celine Jacquin <
        <>> wrote:

            Hello everybody
            I hope you are all well

            We, several groups, chapters, organizations and individuals, have
            reacted to the conversation in the osm-talk-list
            considering that it is an incident symptomatic of the problem we 
            faced for many years in the community, which is one of the greatest
            obstacles to diversity at all levels of OSM. Time to make a real 
            That is why we have developed a beginning of statement on the 
            mechanisms to work solidly on the rules of coexistence and improve

            We bring it to your attention and invite anyone who feels 
            to sign it. Translations are in preparation (any help is welcome):

            On behalf of the signatories
            Best regards

            Céline Jacquin
            talk mailing list

    talk mailing list <>

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Niels Elgaard Larsen

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