It doesn't take years of experience or a certain reputation to suggest a man 
wait until the music starts before accepting a tanda.  It's usually just that 
the man hasn't thought about it.  He's accustomed to either yes or no, not 
maybe.  If he gets the same "let's hear the music first" from women, regardless 
of their skill level, he'll figure it out.  Typically, the man's initial 
reaction is "perhaps she doesn't like the music", so he doesn't realize that it 
might be him and he won't feel so bad if she turns him down.  White lies have 
their place.

Personally, if I was a leader who received a such a card, I'd laugh 
(internally, of course).  I might consider it an insult that the woman trusted 
me with her body but not enough with her feelings to let me know that she'd 
like to try the cabeceo next time.  Maybe I'm just more concerned about the 

Millongas are SOCIAL occasions.  People need to bring their social skills to 
it, not just rules.  Are we so numbed by the internet and Facebook and Twitter 
that we have forgotten the art of conversation?  Of socializing?  Of delivering 
lines to acheive a certain effect?

Women have wiles.  There are times when they should use them.


--- On Fri, 10/15/10, Balazs Gyenis <> wrote:

> From: Balazs Gyenis <>
> Subject: [Tango-L] Fwd:  introducing the cabeceo (card)
> To: "Tango-L" <>
> Date: Friday, October 15, 2010, 8:46 PM
>       Hi all,
>  Thanks for the public and private feedback so far!
> > Why doesn't the woman just tell the man after the
> tanda?
> > If a man asks me to dance before the music starts, I
> just say "let's see what the music is", and then we'll
> decide together.  I've never had a man repeat the same
> mistake when asking me to dance at another time.
>   If you are a dancer and teacher with 15+ years of tango
> experience,
> resolute to refuse dances, and willing to sit through
> milongas without
> dancing more than a few tandas, you don't need solutions
> like this.


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