Hi Maxim,

Le dimanche 13 juin 2010 à 18:45:36, vous écriviez :

> The registration system will be changed. We didn’t yet completely figured out 
> the final changes to the registration system, but the preliminary changes are 
> the following: registration will allow using The Bat! for a particular period 
> of time. It will not be bound to version numbers as before. During this time 
> period, the user will be able to update to newer versions of The Bat! and 
> receive technical support. Upon the expiration of the term, no updates to 
> newer versions will be possible unless the user prolongs the period by paying 
> the fee.

Not a bad thing for me, *but* fix of existing bugs/vulnerabilities must 
*always* be free, at least during a normal product life time...  for microsoft 
products it's near of 10 years (Microsoft provided critical updates for Office 
2k up to june 2009, and windows 2k to june 2010...  products availables since 

It will not be so easy to allow this with a registration period not bound with 
the version number...  if you find in 2018 a critical vulnerabilities existing 
since version 5.0, how will you allow customers with expired registration since 
2012 to fix it without paying anything ?  (just an example)

Do not forget : security vulnerabilities are covered by the legal warranty of 
any product as a latent defect, it's not limited by time...

 Stephane                            courrier : anta...@freenet.be

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