Bonjour Avi, (I'll call you Jay next time :-)

>> Yes, I'm with you absolutly. This in fact is my basic complaint with
>> MicroEd, not being able to handle a single "Enter" as an "end this
>> paragraph and start a new line" as in every other editor I know of.

AY> Well, perhaps then the other solution would be best. To get a single
AY> Enter as the end for a paragraph and a Shift-Enter as a manual
AY> linefeed in the same paragraph (just as in MS Word and FrameMaker). I
AY> would be okay with that also. Maybe it is even better.

I really ought to apologize for my poor English! I suggested to use
the "Return" key for the end of a paragraph, calling it "hard return"
and the "Shift+Return" key combination for a manual linefeed (hence
"soft return"). Several argued, opposed to this choice and eventually
proposed... the very same thing. Gosh! I must be writing such a rotten
English that nobody really understands what I mean.

Anyway, the main point is that we all eventually agree: MicroEd is
great; it would be even better with this tiny little improvement (end
of paragraph/manual linefeed, hard/soft-return, end of line/end of
paragraph... name it as you like, I'm happy with any word native
English speakers think to be suitable, as long as it works the way I'm
used to with OpenOffice or other editors!).

I love the "one-pixel line showing the right limit"-idea as well.

Kind regards



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