Hi Allie,

>> For one, I may not even notice that I erase the cache. For example, I
>> often want to compress the files of my local mailbase to save time
>> when synchronizing with my laptop.
AM> How will that save time? What synchronizing are you referring to?

Copying the cache files from my home machine onto the laptop via
"Windows Offline Folder". This is usually done by WLAN and thus not
very fast, therefore I have considerable interest in keeping the files as
small as possible.

AM> Urmph! All I read are bad testimonials about the Maintenance center.
AM> When I right click a folder and select compress. All my messages don't
AM> disappear.

I have selected the option "compress folders on exit". On every exit a
window comes up with a progress bar doing something on the folders,
yet the folder files don't shrink at all. The same is true when
selecting Compress from the context menu as you suggest.

AM> Additionally, I'd suggest not to compress unless you're connected with
AM> the IMAP server. Your cache reflects what's on the server. When you
AM> compress locally, you're basically compressing what's on the server,
AM> i.e., deleting messages flagged for deletion. If you do so while
AM> disconnected, it will not work and just lead to buggy behaviour like
AM> your entire cache being wiped.

You're obviously right, because that's exactly what happens. But to my
understanding it shouldn't: Why can my commands (deleteDeleted,
deleteDuplicates, compress) not be executed on the cache while
disconnected and be queued for execution on the server as soon as the
machine is re-connected?

Besides, even if connected, every time I run a compress I have to
again sync my whole mailbase afterwards. That's no fun either.

>> Second, even if I do nothing that could endanger the cache, I
>> freuqently end up with not being able to view messages anyway.
AM> .. and you're sure that these messages you cannot view are messages you
AM> had viewed while connected.

Yes: Sometimes I see a message coming in, read it and think "uh, I'm
going to reply to this one right after I took my seat on the train."
I leave the house, enter the train, power up the laptop and - "No
message loaded".

AM> In TB!, the cache isn't deleted unless you do so the right way or
AM> through using a buggy maintenance center while disconnected.

Can I "DeleteDeleted" somewhere else than in "Maintenance"?

AM> At the moment you can use it, but only for viewing.

No, not only that: I can also write and reply. If I try to move a mail
between folders, it seems to work but there will be a hanging task in
the CC when reconnected later.

AM> AFAIK, TB! doesn't support disconnect mode operations that are
AM> later propagated on the server when you next connect. RIT can
AM> correct me on this if I'm wrong.

Exactly. And I'm proposing adding this, while being on the matter. :-)

AM> Open 'Manage IMAP folders'. What synchronisation mode option is
AM> selected for your IMAP mailboxes?

The list says "All messages", the dropdown-box calls it "Full

AM> One wonders whether or not the full synchronisation actually runs
AM> to completion. You seem to be assuming that the cache has been
AM> built and then you lose it afterwards. I'm wondering if the cache
AM> was not fully built in the first place.

I'm using v3.02 (productive), where the bug about the non-closing CC
doesn't take place. The CC closes, and the log-line (status line of
TheBat main window) states something like "IMAP connection finished".

AM> You need to try Mulberry and see what a full sync is like.

I know, I have. It is what I need.

I'm accustomed to "polling" since I started FidoNet. POP3 worked in
this mode as well, and I see no benefit from another mode. I do not
like to rely on an open connection, I want to have needed data locally
and just sync it on demand. I only use IMAP instead of POP3 because I
can have seperate folders there.

AM> Did the full synchronisation operation fully complete before you undock?
AM> TB!'s disconnecting from the server doesn't mean that it has happened
AM> either. TB! tends to disconnect anyway for various reasons, some of them
AM> inexplicable to me.

This hasn't happened with v3.02 too much. After sync-ing the home
machine with the Server I can immediatly view any message. (Well, not
always, but that's another issue.) When I close and reopen TheBat, it
can happen that some messages I had viewed in "disconnected mode" not
thirty seconds earlier show up as "no message loaded". The same, of
course, can happen on my laptop.

AM> Anyway, you're stretching the abilities and limits of IMAP with what
AM> you're doing. In my experience, TB!'s IMAP isn't robust enough for that
AM> sort of stuff. You're bound to run into trouble unless you're really
AM> careful, forgiving, and have a little know how.

Tell me about it. But wouldn't this be an oportunity to change that,
instead of re-implementing it wrong again? (First time being the
POP-format unsuited for IMAP.)

 Alto                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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