
>  So,  how  some  testers  have  already  seen,  I've  returned  at the
>  beginning  of the week. It took a long time to read all  messages :-)

Good to see your smiling face.

>  We  are  taking  course  to  not-fixed-date  releases, which means no
>  deadlines  and no rush. Only approved by your responses versions will
>  be named releases.

Good idea.

>  Currently main directions of TB! development are:
>  - IMAP
>  - Unicode support
>  - HTML editor improvements
>  - Customization
>  - Bug-fixes

I noticed the responses so far reflect not too much complaining, and
some joking around.  It sounds like the list mostly approves.

Worthy goals all, I think, including html editor improvements.  And
good allocation of resources if you have several people to give each
task. I don't need unicode, but I know that a lot of people do.  This
list will bring TB to being a very fine program if given the time it
really needs.

It would be nice to see things like nntp in TB.  But I know how long
these things take.  I am already an old man.  I don't want to wait
years for TB to be as good as Agent is with newsgroups. And, I don't
think there is any point in doing it if you aren't going to do it
right.  Forte says they got to the current release version of Agent in
9 years. Maybe RIT could do it in 8. My suggestion for long term goals
would be to really focus on coming up with excellent new ideas that
nobody else is doing. The world already has a good nntp client, there
are several email clients that have added calendaring/scheduling in
the past year or two. "Me Too" has limited benefit as a development
strategy, although a certain amount of it is necessary.

The mail ticker was a great new idea.  More of that kind of thing
would be the wisest direction to go.  I think.

Using The Bat! v3.5.30 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2  Primarily using the Fastmail 
IMAP server which uses Cyrus.

 Current beta is 3.5.31 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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