Hello 9Val,

  A reminder of what 9Val on TBBETA typed on:
  24 June 2005 at 18:51:28 GMT +0300

> [-] IMAP   : possibility to purge

 Possible but highly improbable. Deleted a load of messages from my TBBETA
 folder and browsed deleted messages. www.theboomclan.com/before.png

 Switched folders a few times, read a few, sent a few and then returned to
 TBBETA folder and browsed deleted messages. www.theboomclan.com/after.png

 Oh dear, what a shame never mind. They was supposed to be permanently
 deleted the instant I switched folders and The Bat should not have even
 displayed the new folders contents let alone let me read, compose and send
 anything until it had completed my initial instruction to permanently
 delete them upon switching folders.

 I have the option checked to compress when switching folders, I was lead to
 believe this means to permanently delete messages marked for deletion. TB!
 should hang at that point and not allow *ANY* other operation, no folder to
 open, no message list to be displayed, no messages to be read, composed or
 sent. It should do nothing until it has made contact with the server and
 permanently deleted marked messages. Then and only then should it continue
 to open and display the next chosen folders contents and reestablish user

 If you could see your way clear to implementing this in 3.5.32 I'd then and
 only then have the confidence to use TB again and I'd be eternally
 grateful... Well maybe not eternally but for a little while anyway :)

 Also, why are some of them marked as unread? They was all read and marked
 as such when I deleted them.

 I also notice one or two of my settings had changed, PGP/MIME for
 instance, minor details like that I can live with though.

Using The Bat! v3.5.0.31 Windows XP Home SP2
Pentium IV, 2.4Ghz Home Built Desktop.

Attachment: pgpMOfcjEQjgW.pgp
Description: PGP signature

 Current beta is 3.5.31 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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