> Hi Vilius,
> Tuesday, May 13, 2008, 11:20:43 AM, you wrote:
> > Tuesday, May 13, 2008, 12:16:07 AM, you wrote:
> >> Vilius Šumskas wrote:
> >>> I'm wondering where their management is looking?
> >> yikes! what's that?
> >>> Do they even have any?
> >>>
> >> i concur to this question.
> > That explains everything.
> I don't think that quick, "smart-a__" criticisms of Rit Labs help
> anyone.  It is an unconstructive way of dealing with your own
> frustrations, I believe.  It would be better to go on a long walk in
> the woods or something.

Oh really? I reported the IMAP bugs on the bugtracker and on this lists. See:


other serious bugs reported by others:

https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/view.php?id=3961 (!!!)

All of them were completely ignored or I were said that Rit will deal with them 
later, like "in another version". I paid my money for the upgrade to 2.0 with 
promised IMAP support ~5 YEARS ago. It's 2008 and still no proper IMAP support 
no the old bugs get fixed. They tried it in version 3.0 then again in 3.0.22 or 
was it 3.0.98 (?), then again they promised IMAP and "completely new user 
interface" for version 4 but changed their minds along the way and said that of 
course it will be for version 4, just not for 4.0 but for 4.1.

In the mean time they are adding/fixing Smilies, Rogue Icons, HTML viewer (when 
you can use IE or Gecko engines), Mail Chat (???), changing The Bat!'s splash 
screen in every new version (???). Who cares about this stuff when we cannot 
receive mail anyway?

On the other hand I can see why they are changing TB!'s appearance so often. To 
cover not working things and to give consumer an expression that this is 
completely new program. Let me quote you, RitLabs, an anonymous quote:

"[this] Shit IS unbelievable. But there it is, staring at you, smiling, getting 
right up your nose, weakening your knees, watering up your eyes, turning your 
stomach with its kryptonite-like powers. It's even worse if it is Somebody 
Else's Shit. You can't kill shit, at best you can cover it up, but sooner or 
later, everyone knows, it's there, in the room, lurking, infecting the 

Some would say that IMAP is not important and nobody uses it and that's 
completely not true. Every company with more than 10 users uses IMAP or MAPI. 
Because it is IMPOSSIBLE to manage large quantities of email on different 
computers and different locations with POP3. Google and MSN already realized 

And for the guys who said that IMAP standard doesn't describe how interface 
should work, THAT'S BU&%$*IT. Of course it doesn't describe how interface 
should work, but we are talking here not about standard implementation we are 
talking about IMAP functionality in The Bat! as a whole. At this stage it is 
unusable and should be considered as alpha (or experimental preview) phase. 
IMHO it is so unusable that should be removed in release versions completely. 
Because with a bugs like 3961 it only causes danger to consumer's email.

Also one could say that IMAP is very difficult to implement. That's another 
bu*&$^it. Let me tell you - USA, EU and Russians almost finished building 
International Space Station in that time! IMAP IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE! Rit (or 
should I better say developers of Rit) had 7 YEARS for this and they still can 
put up their s**t together.

I've contacted the support, I've reported bugs, nothing changed. I should say 
this "smart-a__" criticism is the only thing that's LEFT. Maybe then they'll 
listen (however I don't believe so). I don't use TB! Anymore, but I'll just 
stay around and see where this joke TB! - IMAP story will end.

  Best Regards,

  Happy Outlook User.

  Vilius Šumskas
  LNK TV IT manager

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