Hello, Mark. 
You wrote in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

MW> Alexey-

MW> What kind of error are you getting? Is your plugin not showing up in
MW> the list of available plugins or are you getting an error on selecting
MW> it? I'm assuming that "use dynamic RTL" is unchecked in the Linker
MW> settings. I think that's the only setting I changed on my setup except
MW> to make sure the Target file extension is set to "tbp".

MW> -Mark Wieder

MW>  Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

I have already localized this problem. It was the subsequence of
so-called "name decoration". With one option it generate one names,
with other - others. The Bat! needs exactly named functions in TBP -
like "TBP_GetSpamScore" but not "__TBP_GetSpamScore" as it generated
according to C-decoration.

First, I recompiled all plugin in MS Visual C++ V6 SP4. It was the
simplest task because the plugin written in ANSI C++. Then I
investigated MSDN on name decoration. And finally added .def file with
exact names:

LIBRARY vsbaesyan
        TBP_Initialize          @1
        TBP_NeedConfig          @2
        TBP_GetName                     @3
        TBP_GetVersion          @4
        TBP_GetStatus           @5
        TBP_GetSpamScore        @6
        TBP_Setup                       @7
        TBP_Finalize            @8
        TBP_NeedCOM                     @9

Now all is working. By using MS Visual Studio I also solved the
problem with run-time libraries at all. Compiled version includes all
what necessary. And this library takes only 274kb versus 854kb when I
compiled it by C++ Builder. After compressing with ASPack it became
131kb - only 3kb more than previous one WITHOUT runtimes.

Previous version (which needs libraries) still exist at
http://klirik.narod.ru/arc/baesyan.tbp (125kb)

NEW tester's build is avaliable at
http://klirik.narod.ru/arc/vsbaesyan.tbp (128kb)

This last one I ask you (and everybody who reads this posting)
to test.

All necessary information about what is necessary I described in

Using TB 1.63b7 on WinXP SP1 Corp + MUI RU, spelling by ORFO2002

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

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