
On Thu, 2 Apr 2020, Lukasz Hawrylko wrote:
There is a bug in TBOOT that may results in overlapping loaded SINITs by
TBOOT's logs. That problem occurs when you load multiple SINITs in GRUB
and in most cases the last one will be corrupted. That's why, when TBOOT
executes GETSEC[SENTER] CPU fails on SINIT integrity check and resets

The workaround for that issue is to have only one SINIT in grub.cfg, so
in your scenario you should remove all SINITs except 6th_gen from /boot
and recreate grub.cfg

Is the bug report perhaps available somewhere? I'd very much like to fix this as it is causing many support issues since for example https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Tboot

"You may download all of the ACM modules into /boot and list them all as modules in your grub.conf. tboot will pick the right module for your platform. "

I can't change that wiki page as edits are currently not allowed even if I create an account.


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