On Tue, 2020-04-14 at 10:40 +0300, Timo Lindfors wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Apr 2020, Lukasz Hawrylko wrote:
> > As KBL SINIT works with both SKL and KBL platforms, the old one,
> > compatible only with SKL, is not longer supported and may not work with
> > newer versions of SKL bioses. Recommendation is to use the KBL SINIT for
> > both KBL and SKL systems.
> > 
> > To avoid possible confusion in the future, old, not longer supported
> > SINIT, will be removed from download site. After that, there will be
> > only one binary available - 6th_7th_gen_i5_i7-SINIT_74 (that works with
> > both SKL and KBL platforms). Please do not use 6th_gen_i5_i7_SINIT_71.
> Great to hear that you found the root cause! Would it be possible to 
> publish a simple tool that can pick the right ACM module for a given CPU 
> automatically? So that I could use that tool to generate my grub.cfg this 
> would greatly improve usability of the whole solution. I can of course try 
> to extract that logic from tboot but maybe such a tool already exists?

I don't know if that tool exists. Anyway, I will look at that multiple
SINITs bug in TBOOT, when it will be fixed, that kind of tool will not
be required.

In mean time, you can check acminfo from utils directory. It examines
SINIT binary and also can check if SINIT is compatible with current
platform. You can easily adopt it (with bash scripting help) to do what
you need.


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