Friday, February 10, 2017, 7:32:42 PM, you wrote:

> Sorry. But as I said in previous reply, I don't need to set the filter
> to manual for re-filtering.

I couldn't find out where the log for "refilter" is, but I tried right
clicking  on  messages  and  "test filters". It looks like some of the
filters  that  should  not  actually  do  anything  somehow got set to
active. Setting them inactive seems to have fixed the problem.
I  _only_  have  "common  filters"  now.  I deleted all of them in the
individual  mail  accounts  and  added  a "catch all" as the very last
filter  in  "common  filters"  so nothing is turning up in the various
inboxes and anxyything not already filtered is in _one_ place.

I    still   don't   know  why  all  my "common filters", but only the
common filters, disappeared though, but fortunately I had a backup.


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