Hello Allen!

On Friday, September 03, 2004, 8:43 AM, you wrote:

MB>> As "Keeper of the Smileys," I can easily edit every handle of the
MB>> PCWize Smileys "Smileys" page to have a brackets (< >) enclosure
MB>> rather than a colons enclosure. It would be a bit time-consuming,
MB>> but I can do that, and I have the time.

AD> Not necessarily--a regex find/replace routine could do all the
AD> work quite quickly, and I'm sure you'd have no trouble finding
AD> someone to give you a hand with that--I for one would be willing
AD> and able.

Thank you so very much for your kind offer. Let's see how many would
truly prefer a change from colon enclosures, and I'll get back to you.

AD> As  for  ::  v.  <>,  I  really  don't  care either way. ...

That was the impression I had in regard to many who are using Plain
Text View, when the discussion took place on tbbeta.

MB>> Leif would have to reset the code for it to happen automatically
MB>> that brackets would be supplied rather than colons in future
MB>> uploads to the Smileys page.

AD> That would be easy enough--although, for rendering on the page,
AD> he'd have to use &lt; rather than < or you'd end up with the
AD> browser thinking <eating cheese> was an html tag. That could
AD> complicate things with html rendering in tb, as well--care would
AD> have to be taken to ensure the html viewer separated <html> tags
AD> from <using emoticon> tags. That would ultimately be 9val's
AD> problem, I suppose.

Well, let's cross that bridge when we come to it. I do greatly
appreciate your thoughtful input, though.

And here, your tag line:

AD tagline> To name an object is to deprive a poem of three-fourths of
AD tagline> its pleasure, which consists in a little-by-little
AD tagline> guessing game; the ideal is to suggest. -Wallace Stevens

You are quoting one of my favorite poets here, and somehow it seems
tangentially like a cookidence, given the topic of our discussion.
Anyway, I do love the quote.

Best regards,
Mary (PCWSmileys Administrator)
The Bat! 3.0 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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