Hello all,
Saturday, April 18, 2009, AC wrote:

> I  have  huge  problems  with  templates because there are many confusing
> options  and difficult to find documentation.  So, I'm just going to list
> my several questions on templates that have been bugging me:

what huge problems are You speaking about?

> There's  a "Common Templates" section in the quick templates dialog.  But
> every template also has a checkbox for "share with other accounts".  This
> is confusing.  What's the difference?  How does each work?

Common templates section in QT editor is available allways for viewing and
editing, even You are logged to program as administrator or user.

When You log into program via account with "user" rights, You will see
specific QTs and Common templates, but if there are some shared templates
from other accounts, You can use them from main toolbar, where is a small
arrow for displaying and using them. So they can be used, but not edited.

> In  the  same  dialog,  for each template, there are check boxes for "Use
> For"  "New Messages", "Reply Messages", and "Forward messages".  However,
> in  each of your Account properties, you have to set up templates for all
> these  categories  anyway.  Again, what's the difference, and how is each
> one meant to be used?

as in previous answer, You can add a flag to a quick template about its
purpose, so if You check "New messages and Mass Mailing", You will see it
in New message dropdown and in Address Book for sending Mass mailing, if
You check "Reply messages", You will see it in Reply button dropdown.

> Furthermore, why do i even have to check those options?!  Whenever I want
> to  use a quick template inside another template, I can always do so with
> the  QINCLUDE function, right?  I don't have to check those boxes at all.
> Very, very confusing.

I do not understand You confusion, do not check buttons You do not know,
its simple.

> Is  there somewhere that lists all the template functions in some kind of
> organized  fashion?   I'm  talking all the functions and how to use them?
> For example, the ISSIGNATURE command makes no sense to me whatsoever.

look to help, macros like ISSIGNATURE are explained there.



Marek Mikus
Czech support of The Bat!

Using the best The Bat!
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3
with MyMacros,XMP,AnotherMacros, AntispamSniper v
Notebook Toshiba, Core2 Duo 1.83 GHz, 4 GB RAM


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