On Wed, 26 Jul 2000, Marc Saegesser wrote:

> Thanks.  I'll use Jacl for now and switch to TclBlend when it's ready.  If
> there is anything I can do to help, let me know.

The best thing you can do as a "new user" is to keep a detailed log
of what problems you run into and what insights you have. For example,
if you just can't figure out how to put and event into the event
queue, make a note of that. Jot down what docs you looked at
and why you are still confused. When you figure the problem out,
log that and make sure you write down what info helped you figure
out what to do. This is really helpful because later you can look
at the log and notice "gee, if there were better docs in that
function or an example of X, I would not have been confused".
Getting things into an "easy to understand" state is really
hard, so we could really use you help on that.

Don't be afraid to download the CVS tree and rewrite any
documentation you find confusing.

Mo DeJong
Red Hat Inc

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