At 6:13 PM -0700 2002/04/30, Guy Harris wrote:

>  They have type "struct in_addr", which means that the code in question
>  *SHOULD* be
>      if (pcap_lookupnet(iname, &(,
>                                    &(interf.netmask.s_addr), errbuf) < 0) {
>  Change it to that, see if it eliminates that warning, and, if so, send
>  that change back to the maintainers of xprobe.

        I tried this change, and it doesn't work -- same results from 
xprobe.  I don't get the warning during compilation, but the 
behaviour of xprobe is unchanged.

>  I have no idea why "uint32_t" doesn't match "bpf_u_int32" as a type;
>  perhaps this is something like one of them being "int" and the other
>  being "long" (they're both 32 bits on MacOS X, but they're not the
>  *same* type, and have *different* sizes on other platforms).

        It is an issue of mixing int and long, as you figured and I 
previously discovered independently.  However, I also tried the code 
by replacing their uint32_t with bpf_u_int32 and compiling, and while 
that doesn't complain either, it also doesn't change the behaviour of 
xprobe.  Indeed, I also tried the bpf_u_int32 for uint32_t 
substitution along with your ".s_addr" substitution, and that didn't 
generate an error during compile, nor did it change the behaviour of 

        Of the three combinations, which would you suggest?  Remove the 
cast and add the .s_addr, change the cast and leave the rest along, 
or change the cast and add the .s_addr as well?

        It would be nice to be able to contribute back to the xprobe 
project, as well as hopefully getting a step closer to getting a 
proper libpcap (and tcpdump) built and installed on this machine.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
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