On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 06:17:22AM +0200, Brad Knowles wrote:
>       I tried this change, and it doesn't work -- same results from 
> xprobe.  I don't get the warning during compilation, but the 
> behaviour of xprobe is unchanged.

I wasn't expecting any of those changes to fix the behavior of xprobe; I
was just expecting them to remove the warnings.  All those versions of
the code happen to work, given the way that C implementations work, and
given that all the relevant types are 32 bits, but they don't all happen
to be good C - that's what the compiler is warning about.

>       Of the three combinations, which would you suggest?  Remove the 
> cast and add the .s_addr, change the cast and leave the rest along, 
> or change the cast and add the .s_addr as well?

I'd actually go for my other suggestion, with temporary bpf_u_int32
variables pointers to which are passed to "pcap_lookupnet()" and which
are assigned to the two structure members.
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