On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 14:18, Stefan Sperling wrote:

> If you are bringing an interface up, you're telling the kernel
> that you want link on it. Of course, we could stop connecting
> to the strongest open network and always require users to type
> an nwid before they get link. But that can be annoying in cases
> where you don't know which network has the best signal.
> But the kernel can tell. I used this feature just last weekend at
> eurobsdcon which had 2 wifi networks, where one or the other was
> better depending on where I was sitting.

The problem is that a wifi interface can have many "links". This would
be like running ifconfig em0 up, and it also bringing up em1, em2,

> So instead of patching the kernel, I'd suggest you run:
> ifconfig iwn0 down # default state after boot
> ifconfig iwn0 scan
> ifconfig iwn0 nwid foo
> ifconfig iwn0 up   # or: dhclient iwn0

That looks like a lot of work. Revamping autoassoc to include WPA
networks seems like a good opportunity to remove the "any and all
open" networks feature.

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