Hi all,

I'm Ted McCoskey from Melbourne.  Thanks to Dane for telling me about the
list.  Just thought I'd introduce myself.  Hopefully not violating any rules
in doing so!

I'm a former adaptive technology trainer for Vision Australia.  Also a
general technology/mobile geek.  I have an extremely active Twitter feed
with heaps of postings to articles of interest for blind/low vision, general
tech and mainly iOS related topics, which can be found by searching for
@blindmindnet on Twitter.

Am also president of Digital Gap Initiative which has the goal of working
towards national compliance standards for digital accessibility in Australia
and once that is accomplished in about another week, we'll move on to
solving world peace.  <grin>

Anyway, nice to meet you all and look forward to reading your posts and
contributing some of my own.

Kind regards,


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