Yep okay I think you’ve answered my question in a long winded way <smile>, 
those Apps such as Publisher, Project, Infopath and Access are in Office 
Professional, I just have what’s called Office 365 which has Outlook, Word, 
Excel, Powerpoint and Onenote.

I’ve used Outlook on the Mac and I’m very impressed with that App, just as good 
if not better than Apple’s own email client.

The other views such as Calendar are easy enough to get around.

So having lorded Microsoft for their efforts let’s just take some time to 
branch out a little, now that we have excellent cross platform tools for the 
integration and synchronisation of our Documents where does this leave Apple 
and their Apps such as Pages and Numbers?

Yes, you can synchronise your Pages and Numbers stuff between your Mac and your 
IOS devices but that’s it.

> On 2 May 2016, at 6:15 AM, Gordon Smith <> wrote:
> Office 2016 includes all of those applications.  Publisher, Excel and 
> Poweroint.  I’m not sure about Publisher, although I can’t see any reason why 
> it wouldn’t be.  After all, it still exists for Windows but only in the 
> Professional edition and above.  For instance, Office 365 Home and Home 
> Personal do not incorporate most of the Office apps. Word, of course, is 
> standard to all editions and, I could be wrong, but I believe Outlook is as 
> well.  But for me, the cross-synchronisation of documents and spreadsheets 
> will be the most compelling reason to use Office for Mac.  I use both of 
> those functionalities very frequently at work and having access to them at 
> home will be hugely advantageous.
> There are, of course, some other apps for OS X which handle spreadsheets.  
> Tables springs to mind.  But it seems that there are certain types of 
> spreadsheets which it won’t handle, nor will it handle encrypted documents.
> ========================================
> My compliments and kindest regards
> Gordon Smith:
> < <>>
> Accessibility & Information Technology Support Specialist.
> Hartlepool Blind
> Avenue Road
> Hartlepool
> TS24 8BB
> Cleveland
> Work Phone:
> +44 (0)1429 272494
> Mobile/SMS:
> +44 (0)7907 823971
> ————————————————————
> On 1 May 2016, at 21:08, Dane Trethowan < 
> <>> wrote:
> On the subject of Office 365 first, I notice a few Apps which were familiar 
> deleted from the Suite, Apps such as Microsoft Project, Publisher, Infopath 
> and Access so I’m wondering if those Apps are still available perhaps in 
> another version of Microsoft Office/ I’m sure Microsoft are always evaluating 
> what their users needs are and they probably figure that most Office users 
> couldn’t be bothered with Publisher and the rest.
> As for the Mac? I congratulate you on your purchase and its something yours 
> truly has been thin contemplating for some time.
> The main barrier to me purchasing one of those machines - and i’m sure I’m 
> not alone here - is the incredible cost of such a machine.
> I remember when I bought my last iMac some 4 years ago, the price was just 
> over $,100 and that was for a 21 inch model.  The 27 inch rent model with the 
> 2TB Fusion drive you speak of is well over the $2000 mark here which is just 
> totally unacceptable for me.
> Now having said all that, perhaps the price would be a little more palatable 
> for me if I didn’t have a very nice 2012 Mac Mini machine with a 1TB Fusion 
> Drive and 16GB of RAM.
> I admit, I was incredibly lucky to get this machine quite some time ago for a 
> bargain basement price but I fugue that, “If It Ain’t Broke Then Don’t Fix 
> It”.
> The only thing I might do is buy a new Dell monitor for the Mini or something 
> similar, the Benq monitor I have connected to the Mini is showing its age.
>> On 2 May 2016, at 5:49 AM, Gordon Smith < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Actually, I just realised that I already have a Mac license for Office 2016. 
>>  No worries, OneDrive is still available cross-platform so I get the 
>> benefits of offline access to Office, plus seamless and fast synchronisation 
>> as you describe below when I come back on line.  So I’m now in the process 
>> of downloading Office 2016 for Mac, and will get it installed when it 
>> downloads.  The main advantage, for me at least, will be the fact that I can 
>> work on my machines here, or my machine at work, and still benefit from 
>> synchronisation.  When work finishes in July, until I find out where my next 
>> contract takes me, the work machines come home.  On that subject, I’m 
>> actually awaiting delivery of a new 27’ Retina Display iMac with 2TB of 
>> Fusion Drive Storage.  Should be here on Wednesday as it is a bank holiday 
>> tomorrow over here.
>> Fusion Drive technology is a big step towards synchronous RAID technology on 
>> Apple’s part.  This system will have 16GB of RAM and 2TB of Fusion Drive 
>> storage, as I’ve already said.  i’m looking forward to when that arrives.
>> ========================================
>> My compliments and kindest regards
>> Gordon Smith:
>> < <>>
>> Accessibility & Information Technology Support Specialist.
>> Hartlepool Blind
>> Avenue Road
>> Hartlepool
>> TS24 8BB
>> Cleveland
>> Work Phone:
>> +44 (0)1429 272494
>> Mobile/SMS:
>> +44 (0)7907 823971
>> ————————————————————
>> On 1 May 2016, at 20:20, Dane Trethowan < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> I should point out of course that Office 365 isn't for everyone.
>> If you're just going to use Office on a particular platform - say Windows or 
>> Mac - then you're probably better off just bying a "Stand-alone" office 
>> product on a CD or through a download and be done with it.
>> If you're planning to use Office across platforms as I do then the 365 
>> subscription ins incredibly and obviously convenient, put Office on your 
>> devices, link up to your Microsoft account, subscribe and that's it! all 
>> your documents in the one place ready for you to work on anywhere at any 
>> time and your choice of device depending on your circumstnaces.
>> On 2/05/2016 5:13 AM, Gordon Smith wrote:
>>> You know, this would have been much better posted to Mac Access.  That 
>>> group seems to be much devoid of life these days but that may be for a 
>>> number of reasons.  Many people probably think the group is no longer 
>>> available, not correct, of course.
>>> But yes, it’s nice to know that Microsoft is now adhering to Apple’s 
>>> accessibility guidelines which were, as you may or may not be aware, were 
>>> made much more stringent with the release of El Capitan and iOS9.  There 
>>> are still some developers who are not in compliance, that is true.  
>>> “Megabit” Playout software, for one.  But on the whole things are improving 
>>> across the board on Apple’s platform which is, as you rightly point out, 
>>> most gratifying.  100% Accessibility would be a most desirable 
>>> circumstance, of course.  But I doubt we will ever see that anywhere.  
>>> However, no harm in hoping.  As a result of your post I will go and revive 
>>> Office 365 on my Mac, as I do have a live subscription.
>>> ========================================
>>> My compliments and kindest regards
>>> Gordon Smith:
>>> < <>>
>>> Accessibility & Information Technology Support Specialist.
>>> Hartlepool Blind
>>> Avenue Road
>>> Hartlepool
>>> TS24 8BB
>>> Cleveland
>>> Work Phone:
>>> +44 (0)1429 272494
>>> Mobile/SMS:
>>> +44 (0)7907 823971
>>> ————————————————————
>>> On 1 May 2016, at 10:22, Dane Trethowan < 
>>> <> 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone!
>>> I’m using Microsoft Word for the Mac as part of Office 2016 to write a 
>>> couple of documents and the Word experience just keeps getting better for 
>>> the Mac.
>>> I much prefer to use the Mac version of Word these days compared to the 
>>> Windows PC as the Mac menu system is there as well as the ribbon though 
>>> even if Microsoft had chosen not to include a menu system then the ribbon 
>>> would still be easily accessible.
>>> Somehow the Word ribbon makes more sense to me on a Mac than it does on the 
>>> Windows PC and looks far better presented onscreen, that could be of course 
>>> purely because I’m so used to navigating the screen on a Mac as a matter of 
>>> course anyway.
>>> I’m extremely pleased to find that Microsoft have fixed the bug in Word 
>>> where numbering wasn’t announced when cursoring through a list in a 
>>> document, Word also reports when the user is entering into or exiting out 
>>> of lists and so on.
>>> As list members will know I’m also fond of Word on the iPad.
>>> I hope Microsoft continue with the good work and its really about time we 
>>> had access to the worlds most popular Word Processing package across 
>>> platforms.
>>> And yes, we have Google Docs too! I’ve not explored Google Docs on the 
>>> iPhone for quite some time but last time I was able to use it 
>>> satisfactorily.  Google Docs is perfectly accessible on Android devices and 
>>> accessible on a Windows PC through the Window-Eyes Screen Reader and Google 
>>> Chrome, I know there are Mac users who also use Google Docs through Chrome.
>>> **********
>>> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
>>> halfwits in this world behind.
>> -- 
>> **********
>> Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves
> **********
> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
> halfwits in this world behind.

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

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