

I am looking to compile some best practices for Jahia and have a few
questions below.


*         How to best handle CSS in Jahia? 

o   Is there a way to define a CSS file to use on a particular page and
have the filename to use be managed by Jahia so different pages using
the same template could use different CSS files? 

o   How to handle BigText fields and CSS? We have seen issues where our
business users copy/paste from Word to Jahia and the content will get
saved with the wrong styles. 

*         Any size limitations or performance issues storing large
images in Jahia or large amounts of HTML in a BigText field?

o   In Jahia are images stored on disk or as a BLOB in a table?


Also, if anyone has already compiled a list of best practices and are
willing to share I would appreciate it.


Thank you,



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