I wanted to customize the "Reset date" behavior in Jahia interface and located the JSP containing the piece of code here:


but any change made on file is ignored by tomcat.
I suppose there is some compilation cache. I erased *tomcat/work* content but still it get not recompiled.

Any idea how can I tell tomcat to clean compilation cache or rebuild all JSPs?

Thank you  a lot !


Lorenzo Patocchi
Dipl. Ing. STS/ETS/HTL
lorenzo.patocchi a cryms.com - www.cryms.com
Tel: +41 91 60 55266
Cel: +41 79 375 0891
Fax: +41 91 223 9797

Cryms sagl
Via Vedeggio 1
Uovo di Manno
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