Dear all:

I am in need of ornament fonts. The ornaments
in the baroque were nationally quite different,
e.g., England had special fonts for their shake.

Many trills have complementaries at their end
(a downturn, in German ``Nachschlag''). The French,
e.g. Couperin, indicated them by placing a turn
over the trill. Since the classical time it is usually
written out.
In the German baroque, most notably Bach, it is 
noted by placing the
mordent dash at the end of the trill and it was
possible to combine that dash with the trills having
downturns at the beginning indicated by a hook
( which Bach called Doppel-cadence ).
The musixtex package does not provide for these very
frequent ornaments. Werner Icking substituted
the long mordent (\Mordent) in contrapunctus 8 of
the Kunst der Fuge because it looked somewhat similar.  I am
working on improving and extending my
Organ version as well as Werner Icking's Urtext and
string editions and the introduction of a wrong ornament
bothers me very much because the execution of both ornaments
is totally different. Is there a possibility to get the
correct ornament, either by getting the font from another
program, by a TeX macro superimposing the stroke or by a
font produced by metafont?


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