Don Simons wrote:
> At that point it transitioned from adventure to slog, and I threw in the
> towel, leaving the keys to this forbidden kingdom to the Unix gurus for
> the time being.

Quick translation of the Makefile (I haven't tested it)

> make dvitarget

The effect of this statement is to cause the next invocation of make to read 
the file make-dvi instead of make-pdf (which is the default)

> make config

This effectively copies prepmx to the current directory (so not necessary if 
you have prepmx in your PATH if building manually)

> make

This will build mtx.dvi using the following sequences which I translate:

touch mtxdoc.mx1     ==>  copy nul mtxdoc.mx1
rm *.mx?             ==>  del *.mx?
- $(latex) mtxdoc    ==>  latex mtxdoc
musixflx mtxdoc
makeindex mtxdoc
- $(latex) mtxdoc    ==> latex mtxdoc
- $(latex) mtxindex  ==>  latex mtxindex
rm ...               ==>  del ...

However, as a prerequisite, it requires the examples to build which you should 
be able to do by saying: (newlines are important)

for %i in (*.mta) do (
  if not exist %~ni.mtb (
    for %j in (%~ni*.mtb) do 
      copy %i %~nj.mtx
      copy %~nj.mtx + %j
      prepmx %~nj
      pmxab %~nj
      del %~nj.pml %~nj.pmx pmxaerr.dat
  ) else (
    copy %i %~ni.mtx
    copy %~ni.mtx + %~ni.mxb
    prepmx %~ni
    pmxab %~ni
    del %~ni.pml %~ni.pmx pmxaerr.dat

(it's possible that actually you should remove the prepmx, pmxab and del 
commands and put them in a separate loop over *.mtx after running the first bit 
but I haven't checked whether there are additional .mtx files in the zip...)


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