On Sat, 9 Jul 2011, Cornelius C. Noack wrote:


I believe there IS a better answer to (3), and unless I
misunderstood something, it is the official recommendation of
  (1) create a subfolder 'localmiktex' in which to put all
      your personal files -- in our case that means all
      MusiXTeX stuff -- in the subfolder localmiktex of your
      MiKTeX installation (where ever you have installed
      MiKTeX; for me it happens to be the installation
      default 'C:\programs\MiKTeX_2.7')

      [ If you are uncertain where that subfolder should be,
        look in the submenu 'roots' of the 'MiKTeX settings'
        menu; the correct folder level should be a subfolder
        of whatever is shown there as 'settings' ]

  (2) enter the full name of your localmiktex in the
      roots - settings . You will see the message:
        `The list of root directories. The order in the list
         determines the order in which files are searched'.

      NB: depending on the MiKTeX version, I have not always
          managed to put localmiktex in the order I wanted
          (does anybody know how to achieve that in MiKTeX
          2.9 ??

  (3) refresh the FNDB (File Name Data Base).

After you have done that, all MiKTeX updates will leave the file
structure (of localmiktex) and all its files untouched.


PS: From the logic of the whole MiKTeX setup, it looks to me
   as if it were possible to set localmitex (i.e. all of
   MusiXTeX!) OUTSIDE THE REALM of MiKTeX, --- as long as you
   enter the folder name of that in the MiKTeX roots menu .
   Logically this could save the localmiktex (i.e. MusiXTeX) from
   destruction when MiKTeX is uninstalled; but I havn't tried
   that out. Has anybody done so? THAT option, if feasible,
   would be the real solution to all these problems, at least

PostScript: By now I have checked the last point.
            4 conclusions:

      (a) you can have the localmiktex folder (MusiXTeX for
          our purpose) anywhere OUTSIDE the MiKTeX 'Master'
          folder (which is, e.g., C:\programs\MiKTeX_2.9) ;
          as long as you enter it in the 'roots' window
          in the MiKTeX 'settings' menue,

      (b) you can give it any name (i.e. `MusiXTeX' would be
          quite OK) --- it doesn't have to be called
          'localmiktex' ,

      (c) when this file is correctly entered in the 'roots'
          part of the settings menu, it will be entered in the
          MiKTeX data base and thus be available in MiKTeX in
          the usual way (after you have refreshed the FNDB, of

      (d) if the folder is OUTSIDE the MiKTeX folder, it will
          NOT BE TOUCHED when MiKTeX is deinstalled.

Facit: the solution of the problem we have been dealing with
       is even simpler than I had suggested in my previous message.

If anything is wrong with my conclusions, please protest!


  Prof.Dr. Cornelius C. Noack
  Inst. f. Theor. Physik FB 1
  Universit"at Bremen               Phone    : +49 (421) 218-62031
  Otto-Hahn-Allee                   Fax      :              -4869
  D - 28334  Bremen                 home     : +49 (421)  34 22 36
                                                    Fax:  346 7872
  E-mail: noack at itp.uni-bremen.de   or   ccnoack at mailaps.org
  WWW-page: www.itp.uni-bremen.de/~noack
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