>|The most complete manual on PMX, the
 >|original italian one, has one section on Windows, one on Linux, nothing
 >|on Mac OS X. 

The input language is the same for all systems. If you've installed
pmx in TeXLive, you should have manuals pmxab.html and scor2prt.htrml
for using the two PMX processors, and pmx2pdf.html for a script that
automates all the passes and deletes intermediate files. If you do
texdoc -l pmx, you'll get a list of all the documentation available for

 >|So I???ve downloaded the pmxab.dat file. But what do I do
 >|next ? How do I tell my TeX editor to preprocess with PMX ? 

I'm not aware of any file pmxab.dat. How can we help you with your TeX
editor if you don't tell us which TeX editor you're using? If you know
how to tell it how to process .tex files, tell it to use pmx2pdf.

Bob T.
TeX-music@tug.org mailing list
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