>|I've been using pstricks for drawing various symbols when converting
 >|mensural notation part books to contemporary notation scores. A drawback
 >|is that pstricks graphics are not compatible with pdftex (nor with
 >|When looking at the pgf/tikz manual pgfmanual.pdf.gz
 >|(debian/ubuntu/mint: /usr/share/doc/texmf/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf.gz) coming
 >|with tex-live I notice that pgf/tikz graphics
 >|- work with plain tex
 >|- are compatible with pdftex
 >|- imply simple drawing tex syntax

I've used both pstricks and tikz/pgf. Both would be acceptable but
tikz is simpler. Here is a diagonal-line producing TeX source using

\input tikz.tex
\draw (0,0) -- (1,1.5);

If you process this with TeX in MiKTeX, the system will (offer to)
automatically install all the necessary packages.

For examples of TikZ output:


Bob T.
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