Dear all,

I am happy to announce an updated Version of "XML2PMX", a converter from MusicXML to PMX-Input.
It is available as Windows-Exe and Linux-binary.

Now every PMX or MusiXTeX user has the world of MusicXML at his or her finger tip.

This does not only concern sheet music published in MusicXML, but as well musical OCR scanner output.

Apart from error  corrections  the major new features are:
- Lyrics can be extracted and stored in a separate file (option L=Lyrics) - several options for console output (P=parsed data, D=directions, V=voices, S=statistics,)
    - automatic detection of pickup
- incomplete measures or voices are automatically filled with blind rests

Please see the attachment for further details.

XML2PMX Readme
(****************Copyright 2015,2016,2017 Dieter Gloetzel ******************)
    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

        You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>. 
1.  Introduction
        "MusicXML", ( ) originally developed by 
Recordare INC
        and now owned by Finale ( ), is the 
        musical data exchange format. XML2PMX provides an import facility for 
        sheet music stored in MusicXML format to PMX and MusiXTeX, the leading 
        software for musical typesetting. Thus we are now able to import 
published MusicXML sources
        as well as MusicXML sources created by OCR scanning, 
        e.g. with Sharpeye of VISIV ( ).

2. PMX  
        developed by Don Simons (dsimons(at)roadrunner(dot)com) is an easy to 
        yet powerful preprocessor for the musical typesetting system MusiXTeX.
        An excellent introduction to using PMX is

        has been developed by the author with "Oberon Plugin for Windows 
        Version 2.5" of ETHZ Zürich on Windows 10.
        XML2PMX is available as Windows-EXE (32 Bit) and as Linux binary (32 
        XML2PMX requires a TeX, MusiXTeX and PMX installation.
        For Unix please see:
        For Windows please see:
4. Coverage of MusicXML
        The following MusicXML features are detected and translated to PMX:
        - maximum  of 24 staves/voices and 400 measures 
        - two voices per staff
        - maximum of two staves per instrument
        - notes and rests up to 64th, including tuplets and grace notes, 
        - maximum of 2 dots
        - chords, accidentals
        - some annotations like Fermata, Staccato, Tremolo etc. 
        - ties, slurs and beams
        - definition of meter, fifths, clefs and their changes on the fly
        - dynamic marks: hairpins, "ff" etc., piano damping pedal
        - title and composer, and texts above or below the staff
        - barlines, repeats, volta
        - instrument names,
        - origin of XML file copied to the resulting PMX file
        - accepts Windows files  (records ended by 0DX OAX) 
          as well as Unix files  (records ended by 0AX)
        - resulting PMX-file on Unix has records ended by 0AX.
        - resulting PMX-file on Windows has records ended by 0DX 0AX.
5. New features:
        - There is a new command line field "options", 
          which may contain one or several of the five letters "PDVSL"
          in arbitrary sequence in upper or lower case.
        - Lyrics are extracted and stored in a separate file (option L=Lyrics)
        - several options for console output (P=parsed data, D=directions, 
V=voices, S=statistics,)
        - automatic detection of pickup
        - incomplete measures or voices are automatically filled with blind 

6. Limitations
        Some more elaborate situations like beams crossing staves or chords 
crossing staves
        have not yet been covered.

7. Usage on MS Windows command line: 
                XML2PMX "xml-file with path" "pmx-file with path" "options"
        The doublequotes are required.
        "options" contains a sequence (without blanks) of one or several of 
        the letters "p", "d", "v", "s" and "l" .
        Their meaning is the following:
        |  p  | XML parser output; not recommended unless the terminal |
        |     | window process has enough storage                     |
        |  d  | information on "directions" (dynamical marks etc)     |
        |  v  | distribution of voices over instruments and measures  |
        |  s  | statistics of MusicXML tags like <note>, <measure> etc|
        |  l  | for extracting lyrics in a separate file              |
        The generated PMX file will in general be complete and can be processed 
by "musixtex".
        If not, you can often solve the problem with minor changes in the PMX 

        After the XML2PMX run you will find intermediate results in the 
        terminal window which may be helpful for debugging.

        Once you have a generated PMX file with all of the notes extracted, the 
bulk work has been done.
        It is then easy to improve the results on the PMX side.

8.1 MusicXML test data  
        You will find MusicXML-sources for testing under:
        The following pieces from this source (and a few more) have been tested:
        - Schubert: "Ave Maria" (Ellen’s Gesang III), D. 839 
        - Beethoven: "An die ferne Geliebte", Op. 98 "BeetAnGeSample.xml"
        - Lee Actor "Prelude to a tragedy": "ActorPreludeSample.xml"
                sample with 22 instruments and 41 measures
        - Mahler: "Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen", "MahlFaGe4Sample.xml"
8.2 OCR scanned sheet music
        The MusicXML results from the tool Sharpeye from VISIV 
        ( have been tested successfully.

9.1     Contents Windows:
        Main folder "XML2PMX_Windows" contains:
                - this Readme.txt
                - Folder "XML", containing the MusicXML code of 
                  a Telemann Fantasy for Recorder: "Telemann.xml" 
                - Folder "PMX", containing the results  *.pmx, *.pdf
                - Folder "source" with the Oberon source code for Windows
                - XML2PMX.exe: Windows-Exe
                - GNU-GPL.txt: GNU Licence
9.2     Contents Linux:
        Main folder "XML2PMX_LINUX" contains:
                - this Readme.txt
                - Folder "XML", containing the MusicXML code of 
                  a Telemann Fantasy for Recorder: "Telemann.xml" 
                - Folder "PMX", containing the results  *.pmx, *.pdf
                - Folder "source" with the Oberon source code for LINUX
                - XML2PMX: LINUX Binary
                - GNU-GPL.txt: GNU Licence
10. XML2PMX installation 
        10.1 prerequisites: TeXLive installation on Unix or MikTeX installation 
on Windows
             as well as the corresponding MusiXTeX and PMX installation
        10.2 unpack the folder XML2PMX_LINUX or XML2PMX_Windows to a convenient 

11. Usage example

11.1 XML2PMX usage example Windows
        open a command line
        move to folder XML2PMX_Windows
        call: XML2PMX "./XML/Telemann.xml" "./PMX/Telemann.pmx" "dvs" 
        enter: cd PMX
        call: musixtex Telemann.pmx

11.2 XML2PMX usage example Linux
        open a command line
        move to folder XML2PMX_LINUX
        enter: chmod +x XML2PMX
        call:  ./XML2PMX "./XML/Telemann.xml" "./PMX/Telemann.pmx" "s"
        enter: cd PMX
        call: musixtex Telemann.pmx

12. Contact: 
        Feel free to join me under <d.gloetzel(at)web(dot)de> in order to 
report errors, 
        propose improvements or other comments.
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