Can anyone figure out why the attached file leads to a postscript error (in
ghostview) on the 3rd page? (I know why the first page is blank and have a
solution for that.) If you change it to 1 page and 1 system, the error goes
away. If you go 7 pages and 7 systems, the error is on the 3rd page.


FYI, this came about while I was working with Dieter Gloetzel as he hones
XML2PMX. We found some examples that are very challenging both for XML2PMX
and for PMX. The one this came from has 14 instruments. After making some
mods to PMX, and correcting numerous small bugs in the pmx file from XML2PMX
(which Dieter is addressing), so far I've managed to produce a workable
result with 51 pages and 254 bars. Something in the attached file is keeping
me from going further.


--Don Simons 

Attachment: psproblem.pmx
Description: Binary data

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