Den 03.02.2020 kl. 07.59 skrev Luigi Cataldi:
Dear Don, in my Fedora 30 Linux I'm able to compile pmxab.for only with 'f2c'. With the previous pmx version I had made several attempts
with 'gfortran' and 'g77' but all of them failed. As far as I know,
however, 'f2c' no longer exists in Ubuntu and this is a problem.

'f2c' is indeed distributed with linux mint 19.3 based on Ubuntu 18.04

On Fedora 30 I have used the following command:

'f2c -g -\!bs < pmx294.for > pmxab.c'

The compilation returned me only one warning message:

'Warning on line 11244: local variable gotclef never used'

There was no problem with compiling via 'gcc' with the command:

gcc pmxab.c -lf2c -lm -o pmxab

It happens nearly the same with 'scor2prt':

f2c -g -\!bs < scor2prt.for > scor2prt.c

'Warning on line 783: local variable dumq never used'

As far as I could see, 'pmx294' works well.

Compiling pmx294.for with f2c and gcc in my Ubuntu 18.04 based
environment completes with no errors and warnings. The compiled binary
doesn't work, however. When I launch it on a pmx files I get no output
at all - no error messages, no output file.

Contrarily a binary compiled with gfortran from pmx294.for works perfectly.

Christian Mondrup
WIMA: Werner Icking Music Archive

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