>|> Perhaps your TeX configuration has changed from letter
 >|> paper to A4?
 >|Bob, first of all, thanks so much for your prompt replies. What you
 >|suggested could be the problem, but I'm still not sure. Here's what
 >|I know.
 >|By default, PMX sets \vsize and \hsize  for letter, and no offsets. That
 >|used to be OK, but now leads to the off center .ps I posted. Long ago
 >|I had
 >|built in a special option (Ac4) in PMX for a4. It puts in \hsize, \vsize,
 >|and the \hoffset and \voffset I worked out at the time for a4, I believe
 >|assuming that dvips would be run with the -ta4 option. I just now put the
 >|Ac4 option in the .pmx, PMX'd and TeX'd it, and ran dvips with -ta4.
 >|Bingo...nicely centered .ps, horizontally and vertically.
 >|Any idea how to change the TeX configuration to assume letter size paper?

Don: For MikTeX, open the MikTeX console -> Settings.
There should be a Page format box. That must set the dvips
configuration somewhere, I forget where.

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