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 Ghost Stories Online


The Police Found Nothing

It happened way back on the last day of 6th grade. 

My best friend's birthday was on the last day of school, and she always had a huge party, and about five of her closest friends would spend the night. 

It was about 1 AM, and we were playing the game "Light as a Feather; Stiff as a Board". For those of you who don't know what that is: it's a game where someone is lying on their back on the floor, and everyone sits cross-legged around them. 

You take turns telling the scariest ghost stories you can think of, and then, when the game is over, everyone puts their index and middle fingers underneath them, and closes their eyes, and begins chanting quietly at first, and then louder and louder "Light as a Feather; Stiff as a Board", hoping to make them levitate. 

As you probably guessed, it never works. Anyway, as we were chanting when we heard a muffled scream, and her bedroom door slam. I headed to the closest light switch ASAP, and flicked it on with no hesitation. 

What I saw horrified me... I forgot to mention we had all of our sleeping bags, changes of clothes, make-up, towels, etc. stacked on her bed. There was probably about twenty items scattered across the bed. 

When I turned on the light, every single item had "fallen" off of her bed. We sat in shock until we heard another similar noise, and her bedroom door slowly opened. I assumed whatever was there, had left. 

Her grandmother had called the police after we sprinted frantically to her bedroom. One girl, Ashley, was crying and hyperventilating claiming that she had felt two strong hands holding her to the floor until the door opened. 

The police found nothing, but suggested we sleep somewhere else if it made us feel better. We all went to my house, and tried to sleep. 

Nothing has happened like that since, and I'm a Freshman now, and I'm over at her house practically everyday. Whatever it was, seemed as if it was keeping us in the room. Protecting us? I'll never know. 

You decide...


Come one come all Mortals who are willing to stick their neck out for a vampire to feed upon.  We will be willing to share our Dark Gift to you mortals if you pass our test.

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