After all this time, here I am again, sitting as I did so long ago, in front of a screen, typing an account of my nights in this world. I'm not writing a book this time of course. I've done that, and there is enough accounting of who I am and what I've done in this life to both thrill and bore the most ardent of readers. I'm not done with that yet either, but for now, I'll try to focus on this realm. Yet I've heard it said that in the books themselves I was a bit too verbose. Do you think that to be true? It's nothing I've not been accused of throughout my life. Should I remain silent then? No, perhaps it is better that as before, I begin, wondering how to begin. I wouldn't want to disappoint you by being inconsistent, even though that is a trait immortality seems not to have removed from my personality. The words of Thoreau come to mind. He said "Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake." The ever unpredictable Oscar Wilde who told us, "A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."

Sometimes I wonder if that is all I've ever been. I am a dreamer who as my mother once said, has to rage against every pre-conceived notion, sometimes without even intending to do so. Quite the recipe for an unquiet life as I've led, wouldn't you agree? Lately my dreams have been leading my life, and it is this I intend to tell you about here, within these pages. In no small part, those I've given the notoriously named 'dark gift', are responsible for this. Namely your cherished Louis. He likes to think himself capable of showing me the softer side of this life.

He always has, but I know you see, I know all too well how it is, and will be, forever. So many things have changed, but so many more never will. So it is with this in mind that I present myself to you once more if you choose to have me, for what little while you can.

Do you love me still? Are you sitting there quiet, saying only to yourself, "I'm listening, Lestat."? Then listen. Hear my dark heart awaken each night and at once relish and condemn this life. Hear my dreams which leave me gasping and full of a curious fear. Listen to all, in the warm by the fire. Know me, as you have before and will again. The Vampire Lestat, in your arms once more.

Lestat de Lioncourt

Come one come all Mortals who are willing to stick their neck out for a vampire to feed upon.  We will be willing to share our Dark Gift to you mortals if you pass our test.

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