Can we please try to find some middle ground here. Is this text
acceptable to everyone:

String Encodings

The encoding used for strings in the protocol has historically often
been unspecified, or has changed between versions of the protocol. As a
result, there are a lot of implementations which use different,
incompatible encodings. Commonly those encodings have been ISO 8859-1
(also known as Latin-1) or Windows code pages.

It is strongly recommended that new implementations use the UTF-8
encoding for these strings. This allows full unicode support, yet
retains good compatibility with older RFB implementations.

New protocol additions that do not have a legacy problem should
mandate the UTF-8 encoding to provide full character support and to
avoid any issues with ambiguity.

All clients and servers should be prepared to receive invalid UTF-8
sequences at all times. These can occur as a result of historical
ambiguity or because of bugs. Neither case should result in lost
protocol synchronization.

Handling an invalid UTF-8 sequence is largely dependent on the role
that string plays. Modifying the string should only be done when the
string is only used in the user interface. It should be obvious in that
case that the string has been modified, e.g. by appending a notice to
the string.

Pierre Ossman            OpenSource-based Thin Client Technology
System Developer         Telephone: +46-13-21 46 00
Cendio AB                Web:

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