So now we, those that want a little more than faith, are nuts. Some day when you learn how to speak to people with respect, you too may get some respect of your own.

Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not know the difference.
Never wrestle with a pig, you will only get dirty, and the pig likes it.


----- Original Message ----- From: "WarrenS" <> To: "Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] crystal oscillators & TPLL

Thanks Don

For all the nuts that want the analysis with math and fancy papers on how (or why) the TPLL works. They will find the whole thing on one line on page 4-21 of that paper. (page 110) That's about it and all that is needed, if one also understands how to do integration by oversampling or by VtoF.

Another place to find the same thing is on ALLAN's site.
Sorry neither have the long and unreadable fancy papers like some have posted or wanted
Not a whole lot needs to be said about something so simple.
That is really all there is to it, if one starts with Frequency differences, like the TPLL, and not Phase, like most other methods, to get the raw data to use with an ADEV program like "PLOTTER". Note there is no extra S/W processing OR H/W processing or secret anything needed to be able to do that, because JUST THE BASIC TPLL Block does it all already.

" Brief Explanation
Allan variance equation:

All those fancy, long and unreadable (by me) papers, are mostly just trying to get a good close approximation of the above because they start with phase and not Freq. The TPLL does not need no approximate anything to get there, IT is already there and gives that EXACT thing over the total Tau range, for ANY Osc noise type and as far as I've seen the ONLY method that does. The TPLL method is limited by its OXCO controlled (reference) Oscillator plus the noise of its two main parts, that can be made way below ANY OCXO noise level.

woops, sorry, I guess some wanted this to remain a "SECRET".
So don't blame me this time, Don and ALLAN are the ones that posted it and/or said it. If others want more, It is about time they did something beside complain about me and what I know or did or did not do.



[time-nuts] crystal oscillators
Don Latham djl at
Mon Jun 21 23:46:04 UTC 2010

I just found this while noodling around. Looks very good, probably known
to most of you.

may have to remove the %20?

"Neither the voice of authority nor the weight of reason and argument are
as significant as experiment, for thence comes quiet to the mind."
R. Bacon

Dr. Don Latham AJ7LL
Six Mile Systems LLP
17850 Six Mile Road
POB 134
Huson, MT, 59846
VOX 406-626-4304

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