
Here's another way to look at this:

An hourglass full of sand (with some attention) and a cesium standard are both 
ways to answer the question "what time is it?". Let's say you need a new 
$40,000 tube replacement in your 5371 and management asks "what else can we 
do?".  An hour glass  is indeed a "something else we can do". They both deliver 
an answer to the time of day question. Without defining what you actually 
*need* to do, they are both valid approaches. 

The problem comes when you look at the $40,000 repair charge and decide that 
building an hour glass is a lot cheaper. While that's true, it's far from the 
whole story. One way to quickly work some of this out is a simple swap 
proposition. Would anybody on the list trade their (working) cesium for my 
(working) hourglass? I'll pay shipping….


On Dec 6, 2012, at 9:03 PM, Mark Sims <hol...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> I think only TIMER2 on the AVR has the clk/4 limitation.   The other timers 
> can count at full speed.    I know that I have counted at 8-12 MHz before...
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