
Thank you but it seems that both links the same in your page.

About the modules published without sources.

That was an error of our first attempt to release our unpublished modules. We 
will publish these sources at the same time of the 4.2.0 package. (no garantee, 
but I hope we will have finnish everything with 10 days)

The main reason is that we have about 150 modules to upload and I prefer not 
loosing too much time releasing them manually. We have to create new automated 
releasing and testing scripts for this.

The second reason is that these modules have to be used with the 4.2.0 version. 
And I don't think they will work with the current stable release.

The third reason is that we'd like to test them one by one before releasing and 
it takes time.

As a summary, our quality team is first focusing on releasing the next stable 
4.2.0, and them will focus on all modules.

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