Zikzakmedia and openerpsite, we are glad to announce the start-up of 

www.aulaerp.com is a website where you can find user courses about openERP for 
free and licensed.

Site is still very very young, so there is not a lot of courses by now. We will 
try to solve it in a few months. The idea is people uploading their own courses 
for free or with a price. All paid courses should pass a quality test to be 
uploaded. Every people who wants to send a course can do it. 

Conditions to upload a course or to be a teacher are shown on the first course 
of the site. By the moment we only are thinking about courses and 
videotutorials in spanish. But I think we could open our mind and open website 
to english language too.

aulaERP is a way to show your knowledge about openerp and let other people to 
access this knowledge but not for free. You can monetize your knowledge. 

Fabien... will be really really nice to have an official place like this where 
people could access to "oficial" courses from openerp team without moving to 
other place or even other countries. Even... It will be great for us if it was 
possible to obtain an online knowledge certificate from openerp team.

Wishing you will like the idea...

Manuales, Videotutoriales de OpenERP en http://www.openerpsite.com

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