Off hand I don't know the name of the TOSComm library,
but that's what's not being found. A little searching
should turn up that name, and then you should try to
find it on your system. It should either be in system32
or in your JRE/bin directory.

I guess you don't hear success stories, but in general
I've never heard that tos-install-jni has worked...


Bhavish Aggarwal wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using boomerang on windows. I had been using the java serial-pc
> connection perfectly well and transferring packets to and fro. But I
> modified the a little and did a make clean and make in
> the packet/ directory. I also recompiled the file.
> After this, I'm not able to send any packets on the serial link and I
> get an error saying:
> Error on [EMAIL PROTECTED]:57600: Could not open
> COM14: TOSComm JNI library runtime error: Error 2.
> The system cannot find the file specified.
> in NativeSerialPort.CreateFile
> I'm simply running the app and exporting the
> MOTECOM variable properly. The changes in were not
> significant and I tried to undo them but the problem still persists.
> I even tried running the tos-install-jni as mentioned in a previous
> post. But that didn't help either. I'd be thankful for any pointers.
> Thanks,
> Bhavish
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Platform: WinXP/Cygwin
TinyOS version: 1.x, Boomerang
Programmer: MIB510
Device(s): Mica2, MicaZ, Tmote
Sensor board: homebrew

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