I'm putting together notes for an upcoming episode which I've decided  
would be on the idea of showing listeners that while they might first  
associate psychology with Freud and Pavlov, they really know (or at  
least are somewhat familiar with) more studies/concepts from our field  
than they realize.  I scoured a few sources and come up with the list  
below, which was surprisingly longer than I thought it would be, but I  
may be stretching things in some cases as well as completely missing  
the obvious.  If you could suggest an addition to the list that would  
be much appreciated.  I'll post the complete list once I get  
everyone's feedback.  Remember: these are not what we as teachers  
would consider important in the history of psychology - just events/ 
studies/concepts that the general public are probably somewhat  
familiar with in one way or another.

Thanks for your feedback!

The Technique of Correlation is developed       1890
Animal Intelligence (Law of Effect is developed) - Edward Thorndike -    
The Interpretation of Dreams Sigmund Freud      1900
Intelligence Test was published in France Alfred Binet  1905
Formula for the Intelligence Quotient William Stern     1912
Carl Jung develops Analytical Psychology (collective unconscious,  
archetypes, anima/animus)       1913
Conditioned Emotional Resposes - Watson and Rayner      1920
Rorshach's Inkblot Test 1921
Conditioned Reflexes - Pavlov   1927
Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Test published   1939
The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense - Anna Freud      1948
Childhood and Society (eight stages of psycho-social devel) - Erikson    
Client Centered Therapy 1951
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) discovered     1953
Motivation and Personality is Published  (hierarchy of needs) - Maslow  
The Development of Object Concept (Piaget - object permanence,  
egocentrism) - 1954
Opinions and Social Pressure (Asch) - 1954
The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two (Miller)    1956
The Natue of Love       1958 (Harlow's monkeys)
Cognitive Dissonance    1959 (Festinger's study)
Imprinting is demonstrated      1961 (Lorenz)
Transmission of Aggression Through Imitation of Aggressive Models       1961  
(Bandura's Bobo Doll study)
Systematic Desensitization (Wolpe)      1961
Thinking And Depression Beck, A. (1963).
Behavioral Study of Obedience (Milgram) 1963
Human Sexual Response   (Master's and Johnson) 1966
Teacher's Expectancies (Rosenthal and Jacobson) 1966
The Split Brain in Man (Sperry) 1967
Failure to Escape Traumatic Shock (Seligman)    1967
Bystander Intervention (Latane and Darley)      1968
On Death and Dying (Kubler-Ross)        1969
The Pathology of Imprisonment (Zimbardo)        1972
On Being Sane in Insane Places  (Rosenhan) 1973
Type A and B Personality        1974
Leading Questions and the Eyewitness Report (Loftus)    1975
Frames of Mind: the Theory of Multiple Intelligences    1983
The Jigsaw Classroom    1986
Emotional Intelligence concept - 1995

Michael Britt
Twitter: mbritt

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