Nothing like reading your mail from the last six days, and after responding to
this message, the very next one (now days old) has already established the 

Sorry about that.  

Oh, well...

Hey Louis, if Jesus would have driven a Christler, would an apostle have 
driven a Yugo? :)

Back to scrolling down completely,
Jim G

 Jim Guinee, Ph.D.                                                            
 Director of Training & Adjunct Professor                              
 University of Central Arkansas Counseling Center                
 313 Bernard Hall    Conway, AR  72035    USA                          
 "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.                        
 Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who         
 asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.        
 But do this with GENTLENESS and RESPECT"                   
 [emphasis mine]  [1 Peter 3:15]                                         
 E-mail is not a secure means to transmit confidential            
 information. The UCA Counseling Center staff does not          
 use e-mail to discuss personal issues. The staff does           
 not maintain 24-hour access to their e-mail accounts.           

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