In a message dated 12/13/2002 3:06:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

But I think they are responding to contingencies - to faculty who have
passed them along, to getting good grades for slipshod projects, to always
being saving from bad consequences. They are using confirmation bias,
focusing on the contingencies that worked out well for them and ignoring
or treating as anomalies, the instructors who didn't let them slide or
demanded real work from them. After all, they've gotten into, and are
still in, College, so their crummy behaviors are working. I think they
have gotten enough reinforcement that these behaviors will work and
that's what really bothers me.


Vinny has made the point I wanted to make. I don't think many of us can reverse these habits developed over years within a semester. For some of them, I am just another brick in the wall.

Rip Pisacreta, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychology
Ferris State University

"Don't take yourself too seriously. We're all bozos on this bus"

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