On 6/14/06, Jim  Guinee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Because it is.  He is the only one who made such an assertion.  Other
respondents took the study and batted it around without focusing one iota
on the identity of the person who posted it.

Well, I'm one of those "other respondents", and I had the same
thoughts that Stephen had, but just didn't mention them. In fact, far
from being ridiculous, I think that Stephen's assertion is obviously
true. Sorry, Jim, but we live in a world drenched in propaganda from
people with right-wing religious agendae (obviously including an
agenda re. abortion, a topic almost never raised without an agenda)
and it would be dishonest, delusional, or both to ignore that fact. I
assume that the NEXT time that a study about the mental health effects
of abortion is mentioned in a public forum, it'll be by someone who
wants to draw attention to that study's conclusions. And the time
after that, and the time after that, and the time after that, and so

I was also very sorry to see Jim pull out the "religion under attack"
line. As I pointed out once when this came up in the past, TIPS is in
general not a very "PC" place, and I see no sign that religious
beliefs and religious believers have been subjected to any special
attacks. We think that lots of things are essentially "fairy tales",
and again, it would be dishonest to make some kind of special
exception for certain of people's false beliefs simply because those
beliefs are associated with some religion. I'm not particularly
surprised to hear that there are Christians who are "reluctant to get
involved", but if it's because they're afraid that their beliefs will
be challenged, they're asking for special status, whether or not
they're aware of it. If it's because they're afraid they'll be labeled
and ostracized, well, that hasn't happened to Aubyn, has it? I can
confidently say that it never occurred to me to start dismissing her
contributions, or even giving them special scrutiny just because I
read her comment that she is "both a Christian and a psychologist".

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