On 27 August 2010 Joan Warmbold wrote:
>As a relevant tangent, do any of you recall that a production
>of Hitler's life was planned for HBO or PBS but was canceled
>as it provided some objective information about his abusive

That's a strong allegation to make without citation, Joan. Please 
supply chapter and verse – in  particular that the production was 
cancelled for the reason you give.

Joan writes:
>As some of you might be aware, Hitler was beaten on
>a regular basis by his father , and some sources claim
>on a daily basis, sources below.

I don't doubt that Hitler was beaten by his father, as I imagine many 
children were in those days. It may well be that in Hitler's case the 
beatings were more severe and more regular, but I would need more than 
the references cited by Joan to be convinced. The first one is the 
Wikipedia Hitler page: "Hitler's father frequently beat his wife and 
children with a whip." The reference for this statement is this 

According to the commentator David Einsenbach, "Hitler's father 
frequently beat his wife and children with a whip." There is no way of 
knowing how reliable this information is. (Eisenbach teaches media and 
politics Columbia University, but doesn't seem to have any particular 
expertise regarding Hitler.)

Joan's second citation is the website "Famous People", where one finds 
a reference to "the regular whipping and violence committed by his 
father." However, one look at the website indicates that it is unlikely 
to be a source of reliable information:

I have no idea how badly Hitler was beaten in childhood by his father. 
In his book *Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of his 
Evil*, Ron Rosenbaum writes that "We have only Hitler's self-pitying 
word for it that he was the victim of savage paternal beatings, an 
account contradicted by some who remembered his father as a far milder 

Does anyone have any information on this, preferably more reliable than 
 from the commentator on a "popular" documentary and the website "Famous 

Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London


From:   Joan Warmbold <jwarm...@oakton.edu>
Subject:        Re: Raising Hitler to be "a nice person"
Date:   Fri, 27 Aug 2010 15:16:28 -0500
I don't think Lovaas had a stunning ego whatsoever.  Someone on this
listserv had mentioned the rather odd fact that the NYT's had delayed
their obituary of Lovaas for three days.  I suspect they wanted their
/fact checkers/ to make sure this guy was as accomplished and 
in his work with autistic children as had been claimed--as behavioral
strategies are so frequently misunderstood and unjustly maligned..  Now
Beth, consider a Hitler type personality who at the age of 4 is
reinforced only for prosocial behavior and given extinction for all
anti-social behavior?  Could that not have altered the impact of his
abusive childhood?  As some of you might be aware, Hitler was beaten on
a regular basis by his father , and some sources claim on a daily 
sources below. As a relevant tangent, do any of you recall that a
production of Hitler's life was planned for HBO or PBS but was canceled
as it provided some objective information about his abusive childhood.
I guess many folks prefer to believe the "bad seed" theory as opposed 
the influence of violence in a child's early years.  Please do check 
the sources provided below as my guess is that many of you are not 
of Hitler's brutal childhood.



Joan Warmbold Boggs

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