Hi all,

Quick question: If I compile tn5250j on SunJDK 1.4.2_08 I can run it on a
system with 1.4.2_X and 1.5.X but if I compile it in SunJDK 1.5.0_03 I can
not run it on 1.4.2.XX. Does this make seance?

This is not a big issue as I compile on the 1.4.2_08 machine, Linux, and
distribute to the windows machines, windows 2k SunJDK 1.5.0_02. Was just

Best regards,
| Richard Houston                  .^.     |
| R.L.H.  Consulting               /V\     |
| E-Mail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    /(   )\   |
| WWW     <www.rlhc.net>          ^^-^^    |

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