Thanks for responding. 

To answer your questions:
1. The file that keeps getting changed is called 'TN5250JPROD.props',
which is used in one type of session. Surprisingly, the date/time stamp
of the file doesn't change. I have another props file that doesn't
change. The file will change when I manually kill all of the java
processes or restart the computer.

2. I don't have a problem manually editing the keyboard file. My biggest
challenge was figuring out what to call the '+' key on the numeric

3. To run the emulator, I am calling a file called, 'tn5250j.jnlp' The
content of the file is below. I am not versed enough in Java to
understand what it is doing. Maybe this will help:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- JNLP File for tn5250j Application -->
       spec="0.2 1.0"
<vendor>Kenneth J. Pouncey</vendor>
<homepage href=""/>
<description>tn5250j - 5250 emulator written in java</description>
<description kind="short">tn5250j - 5250 emulator</description>
<icon href="wowlogo.jpg"/>
<j2se version="1.3+" inital-heap-size="64m" max-heap-size="256m"/>
<jar href="tn5250j.jar" main="true" download="eager"/>
<jar href="jython.jar"/>
<jar href="log4j-1.2.8.jar"/>
<jar href="itext.jar"/>
<jar href="jythonlib.jar"/>
<application-desc main-class="org.tn5250j.My5250"/>

I haven't tried Client Access, yet. We're not licensed for it. We have
Bosanova, but I prefer TN5250J (although I do like their file transfer
utility. It's almost as easy as ODBC).

If you need a tester for Vista, I'd be happy to volunteer.

Michael Schwarz

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Geisert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 8:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Tn5250j-general] Vista support

Michael Schwarz schrieb:
> I am trying to use TN5250J on a new computer with Vista. I have a few
> issues:
> 1.       The '.props' files change, seemingly on their own. I keep a
> copy of the file I used on an XP machine and copy it over whenever
> happens. I have reduced the number of times it happens by making the
> file read-only.

This sounds really bad - what changes are happening to to which files?

> 2.       The keyboard customization routine doesn't work. I can
> edit the file.

I think think this problem is related to the java version. IIRC It works
with java 1.4 and doesn't with java 5. It's on my todo list to fix this
but I don't know when I will find the time...

> 3.       The only way that I can get to it run is by calling
> 'tn5250j.jnlp'. This results in a new 'javaw.exe' process starting
> time I run the file.  When I close TN5250J, the process doesn't stop.
> After running this a number of times during the day, I have quite a
> of these processes running.

Sorry no idea, yet.

> Has anyone else tried to run this in Vista? What works and what
> work?

Sorry. I'm happy Linux user ;-)
But I'll try to find a PC with Vista and give it a try.

This sounds almost as bad as Client Access, where V5R3 doesn't work with
Vista  and IBM won't fix it (as I've been told by a customer just

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