Jon Stevens wrote:

> on 1/5/2001 8:52 PM, "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > That is not a provably correct assertion, given that it works on every test
> > case
> > I have concocted so far.
> >
> > Even if there is something in Turbine that makes it not work, that can be
> > dealt
> > with subsequent to b1.  It's not like this is the last release or anything
> > :-).
> Ok, I have found like 4 bugs in as many days and you still don't believe me
> on these things. :-)

Oh, I believe you just fine :-).  And the record will show that I've been pretty
responsive to those bug reports, too.  :-) :-)

I objected to your blanket assertion that saving and reloading sessions across a
restart is broken (when it works in many circumstances), and therefore
theoretically means we should hold up a beta for it.

The whole point of going to beta is to increase the exposure of Tomcat 4.0 so we
can eradicate the remaining bugs as quickly as possible.  That serves all of our
interests better than waiting for whatever but you find on Saturday, and the next
one on Sunday, and so on ...

> here we go again:

Sounds like a good path of investigation for tomorrow morning.


> #1. check out scarab
> #2. build it; start tomcat
> #3. goto: http://localhost:8080/scarab/servlet/scarab/template/Register.vm
> #4. hit "Register"
> #5. edit scarab/target/webapps/scarab/templates/Register.vm
> Add anywhere in the template:
> $data.getUser().setTemp("foo", "bar")
> #6. hit "Register"
> #7. touch
> scarab/target/webapps/scarab/WEB-INF/classes/org/tigris/scarab/actions/*.cla
> ss
> #7. change the above line to:
> $data.getUser().getTemp("foo")
> #8. hit "Register"
> Notice that you see the data you entered in #7. That is because Velocity
> wasn't able to introspect and find a result for "foo" because it doesn't
> exist in the session any longer.
> $data.getUser() returns an object that has been placed into the HttpSession
> This isn't Turbine that is broken as this same stuff worked fine in JServ
> and Tomcat 3.x. It is definitely Catalina.
> love,
> -jon
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