on 1/17/01 7:43 PM, "Paulo Gaspar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1. You are flaming Costin again (is that harassment?);

I don't see a flame there. I'm simply speaking truth. Costin's actions and
statements have clearly shown that he believes in censorship. He even tried
to bring up motions in the meeting to create censorship over what people say
on the list.

> 2. Whatever the PMC decided was not published yet. How can I disrespect
> that.

The PMC was attended by ~25 people and had open phone lines for which you
could have listened in on. I have also told you what has been decided on.
That is what you are disrespecting.

> What do you know about what my experience is?

If you have experience then show it by acting like you do. So far, you
haven't done any of that, therefore, I can conclude that you either cannot
act like you have experience or you don't have any. My judgement call on
that is that you don't have much experience.

> "Costin and others"?
> Give names, dates and complete the police work with some hard evidence that
> allows you to proceed to an arrest!

Ok, all of the people actively sending commits to Tomcat 3.x.

> AGAIN: What concrete evidence do you have that it will not?

I have seen releases made in the past that have been buggy. For example 3.0.
That actually hurt this project quite a bit by increasing the amount of
support that was needed as well as the fact that in many people's mind, it
set a precedent that people have been trying to combat for a long
time...that Tomcat is slow and buggy and that the code is hard to understand
and read.


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