on 1/17/01 5:50 PM, "Paulo Gaspar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> First, you write too much about a name when the question has always been
> having or not a 3.3 in the 3.x branch.

Nope. No proposal for that has been made yet.

> Most of us (for whom having a 3.3 is interesting) are still not concerned
> about having or not a revolution and a Tomcat 5. It is too soon to be
> concerned about when our main priority is to have something better than
> 3.2 for production _real soon_.

How do you know that what is in the cvs HEAD is better than 3.2? I have yet
to see proof of that other than Costin's claims.

> 3.3 is the obvious name and the discussion has always been around having
> it or not.

It may be obvious to you, however there has never been a proposal to make it

> Catalina was a revolution, a proposal on following a different path.
> At the moment, for me (and possibly others) 3.3 is an evolution.

No it isn't. That is where you are 100% wrong. 3.3 is a complete refactor of
the core code and is therefore much more than just an evolution. If you had
listened in on the conversation yesterday, like you should have, you would
have had this clarified for you.

> Maybe (or maybe not) some people already see Costin's work as 5.0 but I
> think that most of us don't go that far. I will not be thinking about
> what 5.0 should be in the near future.

Again, you simply don't understand how development models work.

> Maybe you feel happy has the beholder of the Truth but I do not feel I
> have understanding problems when I do not agree with you.

It is clear you don't understand things and now you are being left behind
because you *choose* to not participate in the meeting where these things
where clarified and discussed.

> My main motivation in life is not supporting Costin. My main motivation
> here is scratching my itches and I think that 3.3 will help.

You *think*. What concrete evidence do you have to support that thought?

What proposals have been made here suggesting that the CVS head of Tomcat be
released as 3.3? None! In case you missed it, there will be NO release of
the CVS HEAD of Tomcat until there is a proposal made, the support issues
have been resolved and that there is majority committeer consensus that it
be so. Period. This was agreed on in the meeting.

Therefore, it is in your best interest to quit emailing me and to figure out
how you are going to prove that Tomcat 3.x will continue to be properly

> Supporting him is important, but I have other priorities too.


> In the meantime, you arguments are so poor that I do not have to spend
> so much brain power has if I was coding or something. It is kind of
> having a break - I need breaks too you know?

What part of my argument is poor?

> You know nothing about me, my life and my schedule. It would be polite
> if you would refrain to judge how I should spend my time.

I haven't made any suggestions about how you should spend your time.

> Not your business why I did or did not.
> - Maybe Boss wouldn't like if I was connected to the USA for such a long
> time (I am in Europe, in case you didn't notice);

Phone rates are cheap and you could have used a calling card and also asked
your boss for approval.

> - Maybe I was at a customer;

The meeting was planned well ahead of time and you could have scheduled

> - Maybe I had a dead line.

Go borrow a phone line.

Your reasons are seriously undermining everything that you give as an

> I have seen other people defending the usefulness of 3.3 and that didn't sink
> anything in your brain.

THAT ISN'T THE QUESTION! Fuck! how many times does that need to be repeated
to you?

> Beholder of the truth syndrome again?

Beholder of a complete lack of ability to understand basic concepts



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