> It's jk_translate who decides if a request is to be handled by
> jk ( by mapping it to a uriEnv ).
> You can add a test for r->handler==DIR_MAGIC_TYPE, but don't assume
> any uriEnv is set.

Actually, r->handler is always NULL in jk_translate(). At least in mod_jk 1.2.0
(but I'm suspecting that would be the case in mod_jk2 as well, because it's
Apache that determines that). So, adding the test wouldn't do anything.

If DirectoryIndex is not used, by the time jk_handler() is reached with
DIR_MAGIC_TYPE, we're out of mod_dir. If DirectoryIndex is used, then we end up
in jk_handler() much sooner, by an explicit call from within mod_dir. That's, of
course, when a static file exists. In none of the cases is r->handler set while
in jk_translate().

So, for now, I think the only option is to rely on DIR_MAGIC_TYPE test in
jk_handler(). How's that going to work in mod_jk2, I have no idea... Hopefully,
Mark will do a few tests and then we'll know more.


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